

时间:2024-05-23 15:07:53 道歉信 我要投稿





  Dear My Boss:

  I am very sorry for missing the presentation which was scheduled on May 4 20xx, regarding the environment change review in our company. My friend was very ill and he was hospitalized since last 3 weeks. I had to take care of him and thats why I was not able to make it for the scheduled appointment.

  He came to Shenyang for a trip and I was his only former classmate here and no one else could help him and take him to the hospital. Now He is fine and I think he is able to find his way home by himself.

  I am requesting you to arrange my presentation as soon as possible. I want to thank you for your understanding and patience. I am looking forward to the next presentation when I wont miss that no matter what.

  Best regards!



  Dear Zhang

  I am really sorry to tell you that I was unable to attend your birthday party yesterday evening.That is owing to the fact that my old friends visited my house without telling me the exact time.I had to entertain those friends with my passion in the entire eveningand I will continue to entertain them in the following two days.

  I really regret that I haven't go to celebrate your birthday personally and had missed a wonderful chance to enjoy myself with our kind colleages.I have prepared a pretty gift to you yesterday and will send to you this afternoon to show my best birthday wishes.BesidesI trust that you will understand me.

  Best wishes

  yours sincerely









  Dear consumer,

  I stand for our hotel to say sorry to you about that you ate something in the beef noodles.I am sorry to hear you are angry with us.I would like to make an apology to you for our bad service.I think This will be a warning to us to be more careful in the future.They have made a promise that would not happen from now on.So I hope you can forgive us and come to our hotel again.

  we must say sorry to you again.


Dear Mr. Smith,

  I am indeed very sorry that I missed the examination on International Business English Writing you gave last Friday. I feel awful about it and want you to know what happened that day. I suddenly fell sick early that morning and my parents had to send me to the hospital. Please find enclosed a copy of the medical bill. I sincerely hope you can understand my situation and accept my apology. I would appreciate your allowing me to take a make-up examination. I will come to your office during your office hour on Monday to discuss this possibility with you. Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience caused. Sincerely yours, Wang Hua 范文 4 Directions: One of your pen friends, John, will be visiting your city. However, for some reasons, you can not meet him at the airport on time. Write a letter asking to wait for you at the airport and tell him how to recognize you. Your letter should be no less than 100 words. You dont need to write the address. Dont sign your own name at the end of the letter, use Alice instead.

  Sincerely yours,


Dear Selma,

  My face has been red all morning! How can I apologize for missing our luncheon date yesterday? You know my mind has been on Margies wedding. I was so absorbed in the details of the reception that I completely forgot about our date.

  Please forgive me. Lets make it next Tuesday. I promise to tie a string around my finger so I wont forget.


  Li Ming



  You have just come back from Canada and found a music CD in your luggage that you forgot to return to Bob, your landlord there. Write him a letter to

  1) make an apology, and

  2) suggest a solution.

  Dear Bob,I am writing to express my apology to you.

  Several days ago, I borrowed your music CD when I lived in your house. Unfortunately, after I came back from Canada, I found it in my luggage. I was in such a hurry that I forgot to return it to you .I will send it to you by post of expose as soon as possible. If necessary, I will compensate for any troubles it may cause.

  Once again, I feel so sorry for any inconvenience caused. Please accept my apologies.

  Sincerely yours,Li Ming


Dear Friends,

  Please accept my sincere apology for the inconvenience that I caused you by adding the extra visiting without your permission.

  I had no intention of intruding on your personal life. In China, arranging interesting leisure activities for visitors is a common way to show welcome.

  However, as your receptionist, I should have realized that you are inclined to regard your private time as an inviolable treasure and hate to be harassed by unplanned matters.

  I’m really sorry that I didn’t check with you before making such incomsiderate arrangement .All I can say is that it won’t happen again.

  Sincerely, LiLi


Dear Tom,

  I’m very sorry that I can’t go on a trip to Beijing with you next weekend, which I have promised you. I’m writing to tell you the reason for it. Just now, my cousin, Li Ming, who went abroad for further education last year, informed me that he would return the next Saturday morning.

  He asked me to pick him up at the airport with his parents. As you know, we haven’t seen each other for about a year, so I’ll have to help him in the first place. I really hope that you can accept my apologies and understand me.

  I would appreciate it if you allow me to fix another time to show you around some places of interest in Beijing. Wish you have a good time this weekend!


Li Ming


  I would like to give you my apology for……


  Please accept my sincere apology for……


  I am indeed very sorry for what I said/did,but believe I had no intention to insult you.


  Let''s not put a little misunderstanding between us.


  Please forgive me for a stupid choice of words.


  I feel badly sorry about it and want you to know what happened.


  Please accept my apologies for my oversight.


  Please allow me to say sorry again.


  I sincerely hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.


  Once again,I''m sorry for any inconvenience caused.



Dad and Mom:

  I'm sorry. I'm sorry to contradict you again for such trifles as soup

  Please forgive my daughter's recent irritability and willfulness. I'm really tired and tired in senior three. I can only take my home as a place to vent. And you, as my close relatives, are naturally taken as the object of vent by me. Because I'm too clear and determined, no matter what, you won't leave me... So, my attitude is getting worse and worse

  Sorry, because I really can't control my emotions. My friend is right, I am an emotional person

  Mom and Dad, I'm really sorry. Please put up with me for 49 days

  As soon as the college entrance examination is over, I'll give back the good daughter to you

  Mom and dad. I'm really sorry!




  Dear Mr.Smith,

  I'm very sorry to let you know I'll be unable to keep our appointment this Friday for our business talk as my manager asked me to go to Beijing to deal with an urgent matter and won't back until next Monday.

  May I postpone our appointment to next week after I come back from the business trip.My apologies for any inconvenience this may cause you, Mr. Smith. I'll be looking forward to your early reply.




  Dear Lily,The purpose of my writing this letter is to express my sincere apology to you. I broke the cup on your desk yesterday. I know that's something very important to you, so the following is an apology.

  This is how it happened. As I was still studying in my dormitory yesterday, all my roommates went out. I want to do a big cleaning of the dormitory when there are very few people in the dormitory. Because our bedroom is too dirty, a lot of black handprints on the wall, the table is also very messy, there are a lot of waste paper on the ground. I had finished sweeping the floor when I was about to mop it,I accidentally touched the cup on your desk with a mop. The cup fell straight off the table. Your cup hadn't broken yet, but it fell apart when I picked it up. I express my sincere apologies for my carelessness. Please be sure to forgive me. If there's anything I can do to make it up to you, please let me know. One of the compensation plans I came up with was to pay you for a cup that was almost similar. I thought you once said that cup was a limited edition bought online. Please tell me the website of that product. If it is sold out, I will go to other ways to buy from others. I'll make it up to you for the exact same one, and if I can't I'll make it up to you for a very similar one. Do you think that's okay? If you don't think it's gonna work, you can ask me.

  Once again, I sincerely apologize. I hope you must forgive me. Looking forward to your early reply.


  DearMiss Morgan,

  I am very sorry that I won’t be able to attend the lecture on American history tomorrow afternoon. I’m writing to tell you the reason for it.

  My uncle is returning home from France, and I have promised to meet him at the airport at 3:30 tomorrow afternoon. You know I’m always as good as my word.

  I am very interested in American society and history. I wonder if it is possible for the talk to be recorded, and if so, could I borrow the tape? It would mean a great deal to me to listen to the tape and learn what is covered in the talk.

  I sincerely hope you can understand me and accept my appologies.Once again, I am sorry for any inconcenience caused.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Hua


Dear David Tim:

  I am writing this letter to express my sincere thanks to you for losing the book you lent me so as to return it to you as soon as possible. I took it to the library yesterday. Unfortunately, when I got to my dormitory, I also borrowed some other books from the library.

  I couldn't find your book. I searched all my dormitories and the road from the dormitory to the library I went to the library the next day, but I couldn't find your book. I'm sorry I can't return it to you on time as I promised, but I'll buy you a new one later.

  I hope you can accept my appointment, your sincerity, Li Lei.


Dear Bob,

  I have just returned home and thanks for your kind help during my stay in Canada.Unfortunately,when I opened my luggage,I found the music CD that I forgot to return to you.

  I am really sorry for would like to pay for it so you can buy another copy at your local store.If you want to keep exactly the same one,I can mail the CD to you as soon as possible..

  Again I apologize for the inconvenience I have accept my sincere apology and reply to me at your earliest convenience and advise me of your wishes..

  Sincerely yours,



  Dear _______ ,

  I am excessively sorry to tell /say to you that _______(直接说出道歉事由). Now , I am writing you this letter of apology to show my deep regret . Please accept my sincere apology . I hope you will understand me and excuse me for _______(请求对方原谅的.事由).

  the reason for my delay/absence/negligence was that _______(过失的原因). I had no time because _______(当时的情况). Therefore it’s not in my power to _______(过失导致的结果).

  Naturally , I want to _______(解决问题的办法). I shall be obliged if you will kindly write and tell me that _______(希望对方原谅自己). I wish you could accept my apology .

  Sincerely yours ,

  Li Ming











