

时间:2023-06-22 19:14:11 感谢信 我要投稿





  dear teacher ,

  i am writing to you to express my thanks for your help in learning english and speaking english.

  during these days in your class, i have learned much from you and it is very helpful to me. firstly, you let me know what is the west thinking pattern—straight thinking pattern. and, i think, it is very important to understand the west’s thoughts. as you know, this can help me with my examination and interaction with foreigners. secondly, i have got enough confidence in speaking in english from your class and it took me a long time to gain this confidence. now, i

  always express my ideas in english as possible as i can. it’s great to do that. the last not the least, i find that learning english is not an boring thing as before and i’m interested in studying

  english which was just a necessary task to pass examinations. reading, listening or speaking all become interesting and i really enjoy it. above all, i want to say thanks again to you. and thank you for your time.

  good luck!





  Dear Mr. Rogers,

  It is my great pleasure to show my hearty thanks to you for your hospitality and courtesy to me during my stay in London.

  Originally I only wanted to call on you and gave my father’s regards to you, as it had been three years since you and he last saw each other. But you insisted that I stay in your house during my visit in London and took good care of my life as if I were a family member of you instead of the daughter of one of your friends. You really added greatly to my convenience and pleasure of the whole trip.

  Thank you again for your kindness and I hope that I will have the opportunity to return your charming hospitality.

  Yours faithfully,

  Wu Ting


















  I will like to inform you that last week the dismissed six collected a small part of our compensation claim, amounting to twoorthree months wages for each of them. In average it means around 1000 RMB each. This is still a long way from our original claim of one to two years wages. While refusing to give up our claim we decided to take the partial compensation first. We will continue to press the company to pay the rest of the compensation, in addition to continue to demand the return of the employment files of dismissed workers an various others legitimate claims.

  The company’s partial concession is the result of your support to us, which is essential in bringing enough pressure on the company through media exposure, without which the company would not even considering the payment of this small sum of compensation to us. Allow me to thank you once again for your support. Though we are separated by more than ten thousand miles it has not stopped you from coming forward to offer help to us. We hope both sides can maintain contact from time to time.

  Best wishes

  Zhang Jun


Dear xx,

  I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for xxxx. If it had not been for your assistance in xxxxx, I fear that I would have been xxxx.

  Every one agrees that it was you who xx. Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you! Please accept my gratitude.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming


  Dear dde,

  I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for your very active participation in our recent conference in montreal on the “future of aviation”. the chairman and board members have also asked me to pass on their sincere appreciation for your efforts in supporting the institute in this important undertaking.

  Your skill in chairing the controversial panel on “the role of developing countries in the future of aviation management” was highly appreciated by those representing all sides of that extremely sensitive topic. as well, we have received numerous post-conference requests for the paper you delivered on “the critical issue of cooperation between airlines and airports”. it appears that you my have penned a best-seller with that one!

  On both a professional and a personal level, i really appreciated the time that the two of us were able to spend together for fun and reflection during conference down times. i certainly learned a lot about the unique aspects of aviation operation in your part of the world (not to mention the things you taught me about the backhand on the squash court!)

  We are currently hard at work producing the “compendium of conference proceedings” document, and we expect to be sending it out to all participants early in the new n, thanks so much for your enthusiastic participation in our conference. i have no doubt that it would not have been the success that it was without your presence.

  Please keep in touch ,and drop in and visit us whenever you are in this part of the world.

  Yours sincerely



  Dear Prof. Herthwell,

  Many thanks for your kind hospitality and the honor you showed me during our delegation’s recent visit to your university. It was nice of you to introduce me to so many of your famous professors and celebrated scholars at your university. We had a safe and sound trip home. Now we have resumed our work. Meanwhile, I hope you will someday pay a short visit to our university and give us some lectures on “Modern Western Economics”. Please have no hesitation in writing to me if you want me to do something for you in China.

  With best wishes.

  Sincerely yours,

  Li Dong


Dear Ellen:

  I am writing to you to give our thanks for your kind you and Bob are wonderful did have a big dinner and a happy time at your home last could hardly draw oureslve away from your house when we left.

  Again I am grateful for your invitation and are welcome to my home at any se say hello to your husband,Bob,and your daughter Margaret.












  当我生病的时候非常感谢你来看望我并照顾我,让我感觉好温暖,在你的关心陪伴下,我的.病也好了很多。 因为生病,我落下了很多功课,因此,每个周末你都会来我家帮我补习,因为你的帮忙,我落下的功课很快就补回来了,真的非常感谢你!

  Dear Lily,

  Thank you so much for coming to visit me and taking care of me while I was sick. It made me feel so warm inside. My health has improved a lot with your care and comfort.

  I had also fallen behind on my sutdies because of the sickness, that's why you came over every weekend to help me catch up. Hence I had quickly made up all that has fallen behind. For that I am also very grateful.


  Dear Miss Wang:


  I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for your help in my study. Without your hel, my study would not be the top three in my class. It was you who always standed by me when I am fall. You pointed my mistakes and told me how to make them right. You always worked tirelessly to train my patience. Your continuous encouragement is my greatest motivation.


  I sincerely hope that you can have a good health and stay happy. In addition, I wonder if you can pay a lot of attention to your health, get more rest.


  Again, I sincerely thank you for your help!



  Dear Jack and Jane,

  I hope this letter finds you well. I’m just writing to thank you both for the holiday and for the photos you sent.

  The photos arrived this morning in the post. They reminded me what a great time I had during my stay with you last month. You really were fantastic hosts, and I couldn’t have asked for better guides to show me around.

  Sorry I didn’t write to you earlier, but I’ve been working flat out since the moment I arrived home. Do you remember I told you I had an assignment to finish? Well, the deadline was two weeks earlier than I thought it was!

  Anyway, I’m back to normal now and I’ve handed in all of my assignments. In fact, now that I’m free, why don’t you both come and stay? There’s a spare room here, so you’re welcome to use it whenever you like.

  Hope to see you soon,












