

时间:2023-04-30 19:27:18 合同 我要投稿




英文合同 篇1


  Mortgage Contract

  No. J.K.D.20xx—032

  hereinafter referred to as the main contract) signed by (borrower) and Party A Party B is willing to use the property owned or disposable according to laws as mortgage; Through verification, Party A agrees to accept the property mortgage of Party B;

  According to relevant laws and regulations, based on mutual negotiations, Party

  A and Party B make agreement in the following articles:

  Article 1 Collateral of Party B

  Party B uses the property in the List of Collateral (appendix) for mortgage. Party

  B guarantees its ownership or right of disposal according to laws.

  Article 2 Method of Mortgage Guarantee

  1. When the debt stipulated in the main contract is due, the guarantee responsibility of the loan provided by Party A to Party B yet not repaid by Party B is ascertained according to the scope of mortgage guarantee in Article 3 of this contract; before the debt stipulated in the main contract is due, if Party A conducts recourse on the borrower in advance according to the main contract, Party B shall also take the guarantee responsibility with the collateral.

  2. If Party A and Party B (or borrower) make written agreement of extending duration on the debt duration, interest rate, amount and etc. stipulated in the main contract, or Party A makes an adjustment in the interest rate according to the main contract during the debt duration stipulated in the main contract, it is not necessary to

  get consent from Party B or to inform Party B and Party B agrees to all, then the mortgage guarantee responsibility undertaken by Party B shall not be affected.

  Article 3 Scope of Mortgage Guarantee

  The scope of mortgage guarantee includes the entire principal stipulated in the main contract, interest, overdue interest, penalty interest, compound interest, default fine, compensation for loss, all charges to enforce the mortgage right and realize the creditor’s rights (including but not limited to legal costs, arbitration fees, costs of preservation, announcement fees, assessment fees, appraisal charges, auction costs, travel expenses, communication expenses, counsel fees and etc.) and all other payable expenses of the debtor in the main contract.

  Article 4 Custody of Ownership Certificate and Registration

  of the Collateral

  Party B shall deliver ownership certificate of the collateral to Party A on the date of contract signing, and both parties agree that within days after the contract is signed, Party B shall unconditionally assist Party B with relevant mortgage registration procedures. Ownership certificate of the collateral shall be in the custody of Party A during mortgage period.

  Article 5 When there are other mortgage guarantee, pledge guarantee or guarantees in the creditor’s rights of Party A, if Party A gives up or removes other mortgage guarantee and pledge guarantee or dismisses guarantee responsibility of guarantees, Party B shall still take mortgage guarantee responsibility regarding Party

  A according to articles stipulated in this mortgage contract.

  If Party A suspends granting the loan that has not been granted or collects granted loan in advance based on the articles in the main contract, the guarantee responsibility undertaken by Party B according to this contract shall not be affected.

  Article 6 Cost Bearing

  Relevant costs stipulated in this contract such as assessment fees, insurance premium, appraisal charges, registration fees, custody charges and etc.

  Article 7 Custody of the Collateral

  1. During the mortgage period, the collateral shall be in custody of Party B or the entrusted agent of Party B; Party B and the entrusted agent of Party B shall maintain proper custody of the collateral and have the obligation of repair, maintenance and keeping it intact and shall accept the inspection of Party A at any time.

  The mortgage period refers to the period from the day this contract comes into effect to the expiration day of statute of limitations of creditor’s rights stipulated in the Loan Contract.

  2. During the mortgage period, Party B shall not take any actions that will reduce the value of the collateral; if such actions occur, Party A has the right to demand Party B to stop and recover the value of the collateral, or to provide new collateral accepted by Party A within 2 days after Party A informs Party B. Costs resulted from the recovery of the collateral of providing new collateral shall be undertaken by Party B.

  3. Party B shall purchase property insurance for the collateral during the mortgage period, and the first beneficiary of the property insurance shall be Party A. Insurance documents shall be in custody of Party A. During the mortgage period, if losses within the insurance scope of the collateral occur or the value of the collateral is reduced because of the actions of the third party, insurance compensation or compensation for losses shall be used to liquidate the debt stipulated in the main contract in advance or shall be deposited by Party B in the account appointed by Party A, and Party B shall not use during the mortgage period.

  Article 8 During the mortgage period, if the collateral causes environmental pollution or other damages, Party A alone shall take the responsibility.

  Article 9 During the mortgage period, without written consent from Party A, Party B shall not give away, remove, rent, transfer, remortgage or dispose in other ways the collateral stipulated in this contract.

  Article 10 During the mortgage period, with written consent from Party A, payment received from the transfer of the collateral by Party B shall be used to liquidate the mortgaged creditor’s rights of Party A in advance.

  Article 11 In the expiration of the time limit of the main contract, if the borrower cannot liquidate the debt, Party B has the right to discount the collateral or take priority in compensation with the payment from the auction or selling off of the collateral.

  Article 12 Party A has the right to realize the mortgage right through disposal of the collateral in advance, suspend the grant of loan stipulated in the main contract or collect the principal and interest of the granted loan stipulated in the main contract in advance when one of the following circumstances occur:

  1. There are defaults of the articles or agreement stipulated in the main contract made by the borrower;

  2. There are violations of in the agreed responsibility stipulated in Article 4, Article 7, Article 8, Article 9 and Article 10 of this contract or other actions of defau< or Party B fails to fulfill resposibilities stipulated in this contract.

  3. When Party B is a legal person or other organizations, situations that will affect its ability to liquidate debts or lack of good faith in debt liquidation occur such as suspension of business, suspension or annulment of business license, application or

  being applied for bankruptcy, dissolution and etc.

  4. When Party B is a natural person, death without heirs or devisees occurs;

  5. When Party B is a natural person, heirs or devisees of Party B give up the inheritance or bequest and refuse to fulfill the obligation of repaying loan principal and interest;

  6. Other events that will endanger the realization of creditor’s rights of Party A stipulated in the main contract.

  Article 13 Responsibility for Breach of Contract

  1. If Party B violates Article 7 of the contract through reduction in the value of the collateral resulting from the carelessness in the repair and management of the collateral, or actions of Party B directly endanger the collateral and result in the reduction in the value of the collateral, Party A has the right to demand Part B to immediately stop the violating actions towards the mortgage right of Party A, to demand Party B to provide other collateral accepted by Party A, and to dispose the collateral in advance.

  2. If Party B violates Article 9 of the contract and arbitrarily disposes the collateral, the action is not valid; Party A has the right to demand Part B to immediately stop the violating actions towards the mortgage right of Party A, to demand Party B to provide other collateral accepted by Party A;

  3. If Party B conceals the fact that the collateral is involved in co-ownership, disputes, seal-up, impoundment, rent, existing mortgage, legal priority right with lower mortgage right (including but not limited to priority right of construction project payment) or no ownership or disposal right of Party B and etc., Party A has the right to demand Party B to provide other collateral/ pledge property accepted by Party A;

  4. When any of the above circumstances violating the contract occurs, if Party B fails to provide other collateral according to the requirements of Party A, Party B shall pay Party B a default fine amounting to of the loan principal stipulated in the main contract. If economic losses are caused to Party A, Party B shall compensate Party A for all the economic losses.

  Article 14 Payment from Exercise of the Mortgage Right by Party A Shall be Assigned in Priority of the Following Order:

  1. Payment of charges related to the exercise of the mortgage right;

  2. Liquidation of interest payable by the borrower to Party A;

  3. Liquidation of loan principal, default fine (including penalty interest), compensation and etc. payable by the borrower to Party A;;

  4. Payment of other cost.

  Article 15 Delivery

  Except for other agreement, both parties designate the communication method and contact address stipulated in the contract as the basis, and any written notification delivered to the address shall be considered effective arrival. Party B shall promise that if there is any change in the communication method and contact address, Party A fails to notify the other party about the change in the communication method or contact address according to the agreement resulting in this party not receiving the notification from the other party, this party shall undertake corresponding consequences by itself.

  The signing of personnel authorized by Party B or arranged by Party A for come-and-go files, legal papers or relevant notifications shall be regarded as the arrival to Party B, except that Party B explicitly notifies Party A in the written form that the personnel is not entitled to sign the come-and-go files, legal papers or relevant notifications.

  Article 16 Terms of Compulsory Execution

  1. Party A and Party B both confirm that according to relevant laws and regulations, they have specific understanding of the definition, content, procedure and effect of notarization that gives compulsory execution effect, and through conscious consideration, all parties agree to apply to the notarization authority for notarization and give this contract effect of compulsory execution.

  2. Party B promises to accept compulsory execution according to laws when failing to fulfill or completely fulfill obligation of repayment stipulated in the contract; Party B gives up the right of pleadings.

  3. When Party B fails to fulfill relevant obligations stipulated in the contract, Party A has the right to conduct collection and interpellation to Party B through mail delivery, telephone notification, announcement delivery and etc. Party B shall fulfill relevant obligations stipulated in the contract within three days after the collection and interpellation of Party A. If Party B still fails to fulfill relevant obligations stipulated in the contract, Party A has the right to apply to notarization authority for execution certificate.

  4. Agreed items in advance about the verification contents and methods of the notarization authority before the Execution Certificate is issued: if Party B fails to fulfill or completely fulfill guarantee responsibility, Party A provides the notarization authority with evidence of Party B’s failure of fulfillment. Based on the application of Party A, before the Execution Certificate is issued, the notarization authority verifies the fact of Party B’s failure of fulfillment or proper fulfillment of guarantee responsibility through letters or telephones (faxes) according to the contact address or contact telephone stipulated in the contract before. Party B shall substantially respond to the verified contents made by the notarization authority within five days according to the requirements of the notarization authority, otherwise no disagreement from

英文合同 篇2

  The buyer: the seller: ____________ ____________

  Address: Address: ____________ ____________

  Tel: ____________ Tel: ____________

  Fax: Fax: ____________ ____________

  Contact: Contact: ____________ ____________

  The sale of the friendly negotiation of both parties, the buyer seller commissioned processing production ________ mould Co ______ set. The two sides reached the following processing agreement

  Basic mould of die:

  Product name serial number part name point number (mold type) mold single price (RMB yuan) delivery condition

  Total price: (including 17% VAT)

  The above set of mould material: _____________________

  (the above mold materials are provided by the seller).

  I. The rights and responsibilities of the two parties:

  Buyer's responsibility and rights are as follows:

  1. the buyer is responsible for the delivery of the R & D requirements and plans of the seller's project, and provides the sales forecast as far as possible.

  2. the buyer is responsible for the delivery of the product design drawings and other related technical information required by the seller to the seller and the technical support.

  3., the buyer has the sole right to interpret the product design drawings and related technical data delivered to the seller. When there is ambiguity, the Seller shall consult the buyer's opinion and confirm it by the buyer.

  4. after the seller completes the design and manufacture of the mould, the buyer will go to the seller's site to verify the mold, or to provide the product sample to the buyer for confirmation and confirmation by the seller. The moulds referred to in this contract include the mould of the product itself and the fixture and mould needed for the subsequent production.

  The rights and responsibilities of the seller are as follows:

  1. the seller is responsible for the design and manufacture of the moulds according to the product design drawings and other related technical information provided by the buyer.

  Be responsible for completing the mold according to the buyer's design requirements in accordance with the stipulations of the contract.

  2. the Seller shall be responsible for providing timely certification and sample test, trial production of desired products. At the same time the seller must provide the details of the related products.

  The detailed test report is for the buyer's confirmation. In case of repair / modification, the test report is also attached at the same time.

  The buyer does not bear any responsibility.

  1.5 the Seller shall give the buyer the corresponding compensation in the form of the buyer's approval as the seller causes the buyer to spend the labor and cost outside the normal technical support as a result of the seller's cause.

  2. the progress of the model:

  2.1 the seller after the receipt of the buyer after the confirmation of product drawing, which began to enter the mold design and production stage, open cycle for ________ days

  2.2 due to buyer's cause the delay of mold making progress is not calculated.

  2.3 if the seller's mold making process and other mistakes lead to the failure of the mold to be accepted and the buyer is in urgent need of production.

  At the same time, the production should be arranged with the existing mold, and the die should be reopened according to the requirements of the drawings and samples.

  3. mode of payment:

  Party B agrees that Party A will pay the payment as follows.

  3.1 separate settlement: Monthly knot, 60 days after the opening of the ticket, open 17% VAT invoices.

  3.1.1 of the total amount of the contract manufacturing batch mould (including VAT) for RMB _________ yuan (RMB ________ yuan), the buyer to pay the total amount of _____% mold, mold ___% residual cost allocation in the first 50K products, if the number of orders less than 50K, the buyer shall supply the seller after the unamortized tooling cost.

  3.1.2 from the two sides after the signing of the contract, the seller to provide value-added tax invoices (mold total ____%), the buyer within twenty working days of payment.

  4. product order: only after the quality acceptance of the product sample is qualified and the buyer's written confirmation, the seller may accept the order of the third party authorized by the buyer or the buyer. The order contract signed by third parties authorized by the buyer with the buyer's seller is subject to this contract.

  Four, product quality assurance

  After the seller has completed the mold, the Seller agrees to guarantee the quality of the product in accordance with the buyer's quality standard (the first confirmation report).

  The buyer reserves the right to modify the content of the quality standard in accordance with the actual needs.

  Five. The ownership of the mold

  1. the ownership of all moulds and clamping fixtures and their assembly drawings and parts drawings (including 2D and 3D) involved in the contract shall be owned by the buyer, and the Seller shall not interfere with the buyer's disposition of the molds. If the seller is responsible for the custody of the seller, the Seller shall not supply the mould to the third party without the buyer's consent, otherwise the buyer shall have the right to ask the seller to return the mold fee and compensate for the loss.

  2. when the buyer pays the mold cost, the seller must cooperate with the buyer or the third party designated by the buyer to transfer the inspection and accept the replacement of the die from the seller's place, and will replace the worn parts at the expense of itself, so as to ensure the restart of production. The seller is obliged to assemble, rust and pack the moulds and send it to the place designated by the buyer. All mold assembly drawings and part drawings (including 2D and 3D) and all clamping devices must be transferred to the buyer at the same time.

  3., during the process of mold transfer, such as the improper assembly, rust prevention or packaging of the seller, it will cause damage to the mold, and all direct and indirect losses arising therefrom shall be borne by the seller.

  Six, mold maintenance

  1., the Seller guarantees the service life of the mould 500 thousand times, and the seller is responsible for free maintenance during this period. If the mold is not used during the service life, the Seller shall be responsible for changing or re opening the mold and taking the corresponding cost.

  2. the seller should die changes, maintenance and repairs in a timely manner and register, whether such a modification, maintenance and repair are

  The buyer made it. If the buyer is to ask the relevant technical details or evidence, the buyer may register with the time without notice. The Seller shall give the buyer a copy of the record once every three months. The seller should take the initiative to complete this task on a regular basis without the buyer's request.

  Six. Intellectual property rights

  The product and the buyer 1. involved in this contract to provide design drawings and other information in the intellectual property is owned by the buyer, the buyer without permission, the Seller shall not disclose to any company or individual, otherwise all the losses resulting from the seller; the buyer only agreed to all data and information provided by the seller by the buyer the purpose of this contract based on the,

  2. the Seller agrees to the design drawings will not be provided by the buyer and other data or information for the purpose of non contract other than the seller or the buyer has the right to pursue responsibility; without written permission from the buyer, the Seller shall not in publications, advertising or other written and oral form to the seller to provide or have provided any data and information.

  3., without the buyer's license, it is strictly prohibited for the seller to use this mould to supply other customers other than the buyer or the buyer's designated customer, otherwise all direct and indirect losses arising from it shall be the seller's responsibility.

  4. other undisclosed matters of confidentiality are carried out in accordance with the "confidentiality agreement" signed by the buyer and the seller.

  Seven. Liability for breach of contract

  1. the Seller shall be liable for breach of contract if the seller fails to complete the mold making and sample delivery according to the progress of each stage specified in the 2.1. The Seller shall pay the buyer a fine of 2% of the total amount of this contract at a time of one day of delay. The amount of the penalty is not more than the total amount of the contract.

  2., if the seller's cause causes the seller's quality to be supplied to the buyer can't meet the buyer's requirements, and the other materials will be lost and scrapped during the assembly process, the seller will fully compensate for the loss and scrap materials and the resulting artificial / stop line costs. The two parties may sign separately the raw material for production.

  3. the quality and progress of the product provided to the buyer by the seller for the seller's cause can not reach the buyer.


  3. when the mold is certified by the buyer, the seller is responsible for the seal of the mold. If the buyer agrees that the seller is responsible for the subsequent processing and production of the products, the Seller shall be responsible for the repair and maintenance of the moulds, and the Seller shall make the batch production according to the order of the third party authorized by the buyer or the buyer.

  4. for all the molds produced by the buyer, the Seller shall provide the buyer with detailed design drawings. All drawings must be made in AutoCAD or pro-eng (pro-el2) and must be transmitted to the buyer in electronic form before the mold opening for approval.

  Two. Technical terms:

  1. repair and maintenance of the mold: the seller is responsible for the repair and maintenance of the mold during the production process.

  2., after no dispute between the two sides, the buyer will provide the product design drawings and related technical information to the seller, and send the engineer to the seller's technical exchange or the seller send the engineer to the buyer for technical communication. The product drawings and technical requirements list is attached to Annex 1.

  3. the seller promised to use the quality requirements of the mold for the system to produce products to the buyer

  4. the seller promised to use the mold for the system to produce the product can reach the seller's delivery capacity:

  Nissan energy: _______k, monthly capacity: ______k

  5. the seller promises that all the moulds involved in this contract can be reached to 400 thousand times.

  6., without the buyer's permission, it is strictly prohibited for the seller to contract the whole part of the contract involved in the contract to other companies for processing. Otherwise, the Seller shall be liable for breach of contract in accordance with the breach clause of the contract as a breach of contract.

  Three. The terms of business:

  1. mold price:

  1.1 after negotiation between the two parties, the seller will provide the final offer of the mould approved by the buyer and sign the price confirmation as an indispensable part of the contract.

  The total amount of 1.2 contract (including VAT mold ____%) rmb_______.

  1.3 the total cost of the price of the mold contains the following expenses, and the Seller shall not ask the buyer for the following reasons:

  1.3.1 the cost of all the fixtures and tools required by the seller for the molding / two processing / assembly of the product;

  1.3.2 the seller, according to the contract, carries out the cost of material, equipment and manpower for mould design, test mould.

  1.3.3 the cost of the sample (800 sets) provided by the seller to the buyer for the certification of the mold and product;

  1.3.4 the seller is the cost of the die vulnerable spare parts to ensure the normal production of the mold;

  1.3.5 the cost of the related tools and tools for other processes that are prepared for the normal production of the product.

  1.4 when the written request of the buyer the seller according to the change of the product design for the mould modification, if the mould modification is relatively simple, including less mold material changes and other simple changes from the mold, the seller to the buyer without charges; if the modification is complex, great influence on the whole structure of the mold, then the seller according to the modified working hours for mold to the buyer by the buyer offer, the corresponding mold modification cost. The buyer shall not bear any responsibility for the repair or modification of the mold due to the seller's reason, due to the failure of the mold to meet the buyer's requirements.

  1.5 by the seller to the buyer's manual and cost technical support from the normal cost, the Seller shall give the buyer recognized the way the corresponding compensation.

  2. the progress of the model:

  2.1 after the seller has received the product drawing file after the buyer's confirmation, that is,

  The cost of artificial / stop line formation. The two parties may sign separately the raw material for production.

  3. if the seller has caused the seller to the buyer of the product quality and schedule is not up to the requirements of the buyer, the buyer and customer missed the best time to market, or the buyer was forced to cancel the project, so that the buyer and its customers suffer serious losses and loss of material research, in addition to the seller to refund all previous the buyer to pay the purchase price, depending on the actual situation of the seller also bear the buyer direct and indirect economic losses.

  4., if the seller is unable to resist force, including the war, fire, strike, and other force majeure caused by Chinese law, the buyer will allow the buyer to dismiss it. The Seller shall notify the buyer in written form within 24 hours after the occurrence of the force majeure, and the seller is obliged to take all necessary measures to deliver the goods as soon as possible. If the force majeure continues for more than 2 weeks, the buyer has the right to cancel this contract.

  5. other unfinished matters: implemented in accordance with the economic contract law.

  Eight. Dispute settlement

  Any dispute arising from the execution of this contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation first. If no negotiation can be reached within 30 days, either party can submit the dispute to the municipal court.

  The parties to this contract shall be strictly enforced. If one party fails to perform the contract in the cause of the contract, the party must ask for the consent of the other party two weeks in advance, and the contract shall be terminated.

  The buyer: the seller: ____________ ____________

  Representative: Representative: ___________ ____________

英文合同 篇3

  出让方:戴黛 (以下简称“甲方”)

  The seller: DAY FREJA ANTIGONE FELICIA M D(hereinafter called Party A)


  The buyer: (hereinafter called Party B)

  居间方:上海志远房地产经纪有限公司 (以下简称“丙方”)

  The Agent:SHANGHAI ZEAL REALTY CONSULTANT CO.,LTD. (hereinafter called Party C)


  Under brokerage by Party C ,both Party A and Party B enter into the following agreement through friendly negotiation:

  1、甲方在此陈述其系 上海市南京西路1173弄5号31室(该房屋的所有权及其所占土地的所有权,以下合称“该房地产”)的合法产权人。甲方已取得的该房地产之《上海市房地产权证》号码为:静2005002083 _;该房地产之建筑面积为 125.3 平米。现甲方有意将该房地产转让给乙方,乙方亦愿意向甲方购买该房地产。 Party A confirms that she is the legal owner of the property which located at 31 , Block 5_ ,Lane 1173_, West of Nanjing RD, Jing’an _ District, Shanghai. Party A is in The property has an gross floor area of _125.3 _square metres. Now Party A intends to sell the property to Party B, and Party B is interested in buying the property.

  2、甲,乙双方约定该房地产实际成交价格为人民币 柒佰贰拾万元整(RMB 7,200,000.00 元_)。由乙方按本协议规定的支付方式支付甲方。

  The agreed price of the property is RMB 7,200,000.00 Party B shall pay the sum to Party A according to the terms of this agreement.


  Party B confirmed that she has examined the property before signing this agreement. Both parties agree that Party A shall deliver it to Party B in current conditions . Party A shall ensure that the ducting and wiring of the property, and all the related fixtures and equipment are in good working order. If any is found to be defective, Party A shall make amend before delivery of property and bear the necessary costs.


  The procedure of the transaction for the property is as follows: possession of Shanghai Certificate of Real Estate Ownership, number: 2005002083

  A.双方同意本协议项下的定金数额为人民币 壹拾万元整(RMB 100,000.00 元_)。乙方应于签订本协议的当日支付(或补足至)定金计人民币壹拾万元整(RMB100,000.00元_)。 Both parties agree that the total amount of the deposit is RMB 100,000.00 ; Party B shall pay the deposit of the amount RMB 100,000.00_ on day of signing this agreement.


  Party A’S bank accout as below:







  B.甲,乙双方约定于 20xx 年 3 月 16 日前签订《上海市房地产买卖合同》(以下简称“该买卖合同”)并申

  请办理公证手续,乙方应于签订该买卖合同当日支付甲方首期房价款计人民币贰佰零陆万元整 (RMB_ 2,060,000.00 元_)。(包含定金)

  Both parties shall sign and notorise the Shanghai Real Estate Sale & Purchase Contract contract (hereafter called the Contract) before 16/3/20xx_. Party B shall pay the first Payment of the amount RMB 2,060,000.00_on the day of signing the Contract(inclusive of the deposit).


  Party A’S bank accout as below:







  C. 双方在此确认:本协议下乙方应支付给甲方的.第二期房价款计 元_)可以由乙方通过向银行申请购房抵押贷款的形势支付,乙方应于支付首期房价款后的 40 _个工作日内,完成贷款审批手续,若银行贷款审批额度不足,乙方应于办理产权过户手续当日补足。 Party B may pay the second payment of the amount RMB_ 5,040,000.00 _in the way of mortgage Loan. Party B shall complete the mortgage application procedure within 40 _ working days after first payment. If the amount of mortgage approved by the bank is less than the second payment, Party

  B shall top up the difference when the title is transferred.

  D.甲方应于 / 年 / 月 / 日前完成提前还贷及抵押登记注销手续。

  Party A shall repay all outstanding mortgage and cancel the current mortgage registration before/

  E. 待完成上述款项所述事项后的 5_日内,甲乙双方应前往房地产交易中心申请办理交易之产权过户,抵押登记手续,并缴纳相关税费。

  Both Parties shall go to the Property Exchange Center to apply for the transfer of title and registration of mortgage within 5_ days after the aforesaid has been done ,and pay the prescribed tax and fees.


  Party A shall vacate all tenants and remove all the residence registration on the day of transfer

  of title, and then deliver the property to Party B. Party B shall pay the last payment with the amount RMB 100,000.00 to Party A.


  When the Contract takes effect, this agreement is terminated immediately. Both parties shall observe the Contract.


  Both parties agree that they shall bear the fees and taxes according to the laws. Both parties shall observe the Contract that they go to the Property Exchange Center and pay the fees and taxes within 3 workdays after the Contract be notarized .

  7、双方约定,本协议履行过程中,若因国家政策未获批准导致乙方无法购买该房地产的,双方同意解除本协议互不承担违约责任。甲方应在收到本协议终止后的_ 5 个工作日内退还乙方已支付的房款(含定金)。

  If it is due to government actions which cause Party B not be able to purchase the property, both Parties agree to terminate this agreement without any breach by any party. In such an event Party

  A shall return any amount paid by Party B within _5_ working days after the agreement is terminated.


  During the course of this agreement, if Party A breaches the agreement, Party A shall return the deposit in double; if Party B breaches the agreement, the deposit paid by Party B shall be forfeited.


  After signing this agreement, if either Party A or Party B or both paties fail to carry out this agreement, leading to the Shanghai Real Estate Sale & Purchase Contract not able to be signed, the party in breach of the agreement shall pay the penalty to Party C. The penalty is 2% of the actual price as contained in Article 2 of this agreement.


  This agreement is written in Chinese and English, both versions should be equally valid. If there are differences between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.


  This agreement is signed in three duplicates, all of which are of the same legal effect. Each party shall hold on to one duplicate .

  出卖方(甲方) 买受方(乙方)

  The Seller(Party A):The Buyer(Party B):


  Passport/ID No: Passport/ID No:


  Nationality: Nationality:

  居间方:上海志远房地产经纪有限公司 (以下简称“丙方”)

  The Agent:SHANGHAI ZEAL REALTY CONSULTANT CO.,LTD. (hereinafter called Party C) 地址:上海市长乐路1219号长鑫大厦12楼(200031)

  Address:12F, 1219 Chang Le Road, Changxin Tower, Shanghai (200031)

英文合同 篇4

  courtesy of Peter B. Finn, ESQ, Senior Partner, Rubin and Rudman LLP (), .


  , 200_ (the "Effective Date") by and between XYZ Corporation, a ______________ corporation duly organized under law and having an usual place of business at _______________________(hereinafter referred to as the “Company") and (hereinafter referred to as the "Consultant").

  WHEREAS, the Company wishes to engage the Consultant to provide the services described herein and Consultant agrees to provide the services for the compensation and otherwise in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement,

  NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, accepted and agreed to, the Company and the Consultant, intending to be legally bound, agree to the terms set forth below.

  1. TERM. Commencing as of the Effective Date, and continuing for a period of ____ (__) years (the “Term”), unless earlier terminated pursuant to Article 4 hereof, the Consultant agrees that he/she will serve as a consultant to the Company. This Agreement may be renewed or extended for any period as may be agreed by the parties.


  (a) the “Duties” or “Services”).

  (b) Consultant agrees that during the Term he/she will devote up to ____ (__) days per month to his/her Duties. The Company will periodically provide the Consultant with a schedule of the requested hours, responsibilities and deliverables for the applicable period of time. The Duties will be scheduled on an as-needed basis.

  (c) The Consultant represents and warrants to the Company that he/she is under no contractual or other restrictions or obligations which are inconsistent with the execution of this Agreement, or which will interfere with the performance of his/her Duties. Consultant represents

  courtesy of Peter B. Finn, ESQ, Senior Partner, Rubin and Rudman LLP (), .

  and warrants that the execution and performance of this Agreement will not violate any policies or procedures of any other person or entity for which he/she performs Services concurrently with those performed herein.

  (d) In performing the Services, Consultant shall comply, to the best of his/her knowledge, with all business conduct, regulatory and health and safety guidelines established by the Company for any governmental authority with respect to the Company’s business.


  (a) Subject to the provisions hereof, the Company shall pay Consultant a consulting ($______) Dollars for each hour of Services provided to the Company (the ting form, a listing of his/her hours, the Duties performed and a summary of his/her activities. The Consulting Fee shall be paid within fifteen (15) days of the Company’s receipt of the report and invoice.

  (b) Consultant shall be entitled to prompt reimbursement for all pre-approved expenses incurred in the performance of his/her Duties, upon submission and approval of written statements and receipts in accordance with the then regular procedures of the Company.

  (c) The Consultant agrees that all Services will be rendered by him/her as an independent contractor and that this Agreement does not create an employer-employee relationship between the Consultant and the Company. The Consultant shall have no right to receive any employee benefits including, but not limited to, health and accident insurance, life insurance, sick leave and/or vacation. Consultant agrees to pay all taxes including, self-employment taxes due in respect of the Consulting Fee and to indemnify the Company in the event the Company is required to pay any such taxes on behalf of the Consultant.


  (a) If the Consultant voluntarily ceases performing his/her Duties, becomes physically or mentally unable to perform his/her Duties, or is terminated for cause, then, in each instance, the Consulting Fee shall cease and terminate as of such date. Any termination “For Cause” shall be made in good faith by the Company’s Board of Directors.

  (b) This Agreement may be terminated without cause by either party upon not less than thirty (30) days prior written notice by either party to the other.

  (c) Upon termination under Sections 4(a) or 4(b), neither party shall have any further obligations under this Agreement, except for the obligations which by their terms survive this termination as noted in Section 16 hereof. Upon termination and, in any case, upon the

  courtesy of Peter B. Finn, ESQ, Senior Partner, Rubin and Rudman LLP (), .

  Company’s request, the Consultant shall return immediately to the Company all Confidential Information, as hereinafter defined, and copies thereof.

  5. RESTRICTED ACTIVITIES. During the Term and for a period of one (1) year thereafter, Consultant will not, directly or indirectly:

  (i) solicit or request any employee of or consultant to the Company to leave

  the employ of or cease consulting for the Company;

  (ii) solicit or request any employee of or consultant to the Company to join the

  employ of, or begin consulting for, any individual or entity that researches,

  develops, markets or sells products that compete with those of the Company;

  (iii) solicit or request any individual or entity that researches, develops,

  markets or sells products that compete with those of the Company, to employ or

  retain as a consultant any employee or consultant of the Company; or

  (iv) induce or attempt to induce any supplier or vendor of the Company to

  terminate or breach any written or oral agreement or understanding with the



  (a) For the purposes of this Article 6, the terms set forth below shall have the following meanings:

  (i) to Consultant or which are first developed by Consultant during the course of the performance of Services hereunder and which relate to the Company' present, past or prospective business activities, services, and products, all of which shall remain the sole and exclusive property of the Company. The Consultant shall have no publication rights and all of the same shall belong exclusively to the Company.

  (ii) For the purposes of this Agreement,

  Confidential Information shall mean and collectively include: all information relating to the business, plans and/or technology of the Company including, but not limited to technical information including inventions, methods, plans, processes, specifications, characteristics, assays, raw data, scientific preclinical or clinical data, records, databases, formulations, clinical protocols, equipment design, know-how, experience, and trade secrets; developmental, marketing, sales, customer, supplier, consulting relationship information, operating, performance, and cost information; computer programming techniques whether in tangible or intangible form, and all record bearing media

  courtesy of Peter B. Finn, ESQ, Senior Partner, Rubin and Rudman LLP (), .

  containing or disclosing the foregoing information and techniques including, written business plans, patents and patent applications, grant applications, notes, and memoranda, whether in writing or presented, stored or maintained in or by electronic, magnetic, or other means.

  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the term “Confidential Information” shall not

  include any information which: (a) can be demonstrated to have been in the public domain or was publicly known or available prior to the date of the disclosure to Consultant; (b) can be demonstrated in writing to have been rightfully in the possession of Consultant prior to the disclosure of such information to Consultant by the Company; (c) becomes part of the public domain or publicly known or available by publication or otherwise, not due to any unauthorized act or omission on the part of Consultant; or (d) is supplied to Consultant by a third party without binder of secrecy, so long as that such third party has no obligation to the Company or any of its affiliated companies to maintain such information in confidence.

  (b) Except as required by Consultant's Duties, Consultant shall not, at any time now or in the future, directly or indirectly, use, publish, disseminate or otherwise disclose any Confidential Information, Concepts, or Ideas to any third party without the prior written consent of the Company which consent may be denied in each instance and all of the same, together with publication rights, shall belong exclusively to the Company.

  (c) All documents, diskettes, tapes, procedural manuals, guides, specifications, plans, drawings, designs and similar materials, lists of present, past or prospective customers, customer proposals, invitations to submit proposals, price lists and data relating to the pricing of the Company' products and services, records, notebooks and all other materials containing Confidential Information or information about Concepts or Ideas (including all copies and reproductions thereof), that come into Consultant's possession or control by reason of Consultant's performance of the relationship, whether prepared by Consultant or others: (a) are the property of the Company, (b) will not be used by Consultant in any way other than in connection with the performance of his/her Duties, (c) will not be provided or shown to any third party by Consultant, (d) will not be removed from the Company's or Consultant’s premises (except as Consultant's Duties require), and (e) at the termination (for whatever reason), of Consultant's relationship with the Company, will be left with, or forthwith returned by Consultant to the Company.

  (d) The Consultant agrees that the Company is and shall remain the exclusive owner of the Confidential Information and Concepts and Ideas. Any interest in patents, patent applications, inventions, technological innovations, trade names, trademarks, service marks, copyrights, copyrightable works, developments, discoveries, designs, processes, formulas,

  courtesy of Peter B. Finn, ESQ, Senior Partner, Rubin and Rudman LLP (), .

  know-how, data and analysis, whether registrable or not ("Developments"), which Consultant, as a result of rendering Services to the Company under this Agreement, may conceive or develop, shall: (i) forthwith be brought to the attention of the Company by Consultant and (ii) belong exclusively to the Company. No license or conveyance of any such rights to the Consultant is granted or implied under this Agreement.

  (e) The Consultant hereby assigns and, to the extent any such assignment cannot be made at present, hereby agrees to assign to the Company, without further compensation, all of his/her right, title and interest in and to all Concepts, Ideas, and Developments. The Consultant will execute all documents and perform all lawful acts which the Company considers necessary or advisable to secure its rights hereunder and to carry out the intent of this Agreement.

  7. EQUITABLE RELIEF. Consultant agrees that any breach of Articles 5 and 6 above by him/her would cause irreparable damage to the Company and that, in the event of such breach, the Company shall have, in addition to any and all remedies of law, the right to an injunction, specific performance or other equitable relief to prevent the violation or threatened violation of Consultant's obligations hereunder.

  8. WAIVER. Any waiver by the Company of a breach of any provision of this Agreement shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision hereof. All waivers by the Company shall be in writing.

  9. SEVERABILITY; REFORMATION. In case any one or more of the provisions or parts of a provision contained in this Agreement shall, for any reason, be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision or part of a provision of this Agreement; and this Agreement shall, to the fullest extent lawful, be reformed and construed as if such invalid or illegal or unenforceable provision, or part of a provision, had never been contained herein, and such provision or part reformed so that it would be valid, legal and enforceable to the maximum extent possible. Without limiting the foregoing, if any provision (or part of provision) contained in this Agreement shall for any reason be held to be excessively broad as to duration, activity or subject, it shall be construed by limiting and reducing it, so as to be enforceable to the fullest extent compatible with then existing applicable law.

  10. ASSIGNMENT. The Company shall have the right to assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement to a party which assumes the Company' obligations hereunder. Consultant shall not have the right to assign his/her rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Company. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Consultant's heirs and legal representatives in the event of his/her death or disability.











